OK, so it’s fair to say that there’s a lot going on in UK politics at the moment! Amongst all the headlines, one you may have missed is the evolution of the Government’s Cyber Essentials scheme, of which we are Accredited Practitioners. The National...
Leicester City FC announced in June that a hacker had broken into the club’s online shop and manage to steal fans financial details including cardholders name, card numbers expiry date and CVV numbers. This may affect anyone who has made a purchase through Leicester...
One of the most common scams you will encounter in your day to day lives is a phishing scam. These can vary from very clever and intricate emails made to look like they have been sent by a genuine company or tailored to your own specific details, all the way down to a...
Ouch! The UK Government hasn’t had it easy of late and this new blow is a bit of a sore one. ICO, the Information Commissioners Office have announced that they are questioning the Government over the way it handles and processes data gathered from their website,...
How Secure is Your Business Facebook profile?? Public have been educated about ANOTHER security issue in Facebook!! This time, a third-party developer of Facebook application has been storing personal user’s data on Amazon’s servers. Sounds good enough, but in...